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Are you a Climate Change Power Voter?

by | Apr 17, 2023

It’s time for climate action. The severity of the climate crisis has never been more apparent and the solutions have never been closer at hand. Renewable energy continues to increase in efficiency and decrease in cost. In Vermont, the missing piece of the puzzle is a strong Renewable Energy Standard that promotes the growth of new renewables in Vermont and across New England.

If your Representative sits on the House Committee on Environment and Energy, you are a climate change power voter. Getting through this Committee is the first hurdle for Renewable Energy Standard reform so your Representative’s leadership fighting for renewable energy has outsized importance in the fight against climate change. Please contact your Representative today and let them know a strong Renewable Energy Standard, promoting the development of new renewables, is a priority for you!

Contact your representative now:

House Environment and Energy M


Rep. Amy Sheldon
Rep. Laura Sibilia
Rep. Seth Bongartz
Rep. Paul Clifford
Rep. Kate Logan
Rep. Kristi Morris
Rep. Avram Patt
Rep. Larry Satcowitz
Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins
Rep. Brian Smith
Rep. Dara Torre



What does a strong Renewable Energy Standard look like? It would prioritize the development of new renewable resources that truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout Vermont and the rest of New England. It would fix the fundamental flaw in the 2015 Renewable Energy Standard – an overreliance on existing renewables that failed to reduce regional carbon pollution. H.320 would do just that by requiring Vermont utilities to get 60% of their power from new renewables while getting Vermont to a 100% renewable energy future.

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