REV’s 2025 Annual Member Meeting is open to all members and will be held virtually on Monday, February 10th at 2pm. Click here to join REV’s annual meeting.
2025 Agenda
- Welcome & 2024 in review: Paul Lesure, REV Board Chair and Peter Sterling, REV Executive Director
- Reading of REV Conflict of Interest Statement: Peter Sterling, REV Executive Director
- Approve minutes of 2024 Annual Meeting
- Elect new board members
- REV bylaws change: REV Executive Director Peter Sterling
2024 REV Annual Meeting Minutes
February 2:00-2:30 p.m. | Virtual over Zoom
Paul Lesure, GMS; Chris McKay, Nomad; Emily Garrett, DRM; Tom Murray, VGS; Jim Merriam, Norwich; Thomas Hand, MHG Solar; Tom Garden,Triland Partners; Harris Roen, Long Meadow Resource Management; James Moore, SunCommon; Jim Kurrle, Bourne’s Energy; Kristin Carlson, Green Mountain Power; Laura Corriell, Delorean Power; Laurie Fielder, VSECU; Leigh Seddon, LW Seddon LLC; Leslie Cadwell, Legal Counselors & Advocates; Lydia Lee, VHB; Steven Grecco, NextEra; S.Yates, Freepoint Solar; Josh Bagnato, TDI; Martha Staskus, Norwich
The quorum consisted of 17 member companies.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Paul Lesure at 2:02pm
Conflict of Interest Statement
Peter read the REV Conflict of Interest statement:
REV serves a valuable, procompetitive and lawful role in promoting economic development and consumer welfare in Vermont. We are always mindful however of our obligation to avoid antitrust behavior and the problems that can arise if our activities are not properly conducted.
Accordingly, the REV board and its members are expected to fully comply with both the letter and the spirit of the antitrust laws. We conduct all meetings and events in manner that is consistent with this policy. Agreements among competitors that unreasonably limit competition—for example, pricing or territory agreements–are unlawful under the antitrust laws, and violators are subject to criminal fines and incarceration, civil fines and private treble damage actions.
In order to comply with this policy, members refrain from discussing any prices, pricing policies, specific terms and conditions of sale, profit margins, problems experienced with individual customers or suppliers, individual company costs, production or R&D plans, specific market shares of any competitor, or any other elements or factors that may affect competition.
Members are expected immediately to report to the REV board chair or the Governance Committee chair any suspected anti-trust behavior occurring in the context of a REV meeting, event or effort.
Election of Directors
Paul Lesure presented the slate of individuals seeking appointment to the REV Board and the slate of individuals seeking re-appointment to the REV Board. Laurie Fielder made a motion to approve both slates. Josh Bagnato seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed re-appointing Josh Bagnato, Jake Clark, Jim Kurrle, Matt Murphy and Mark Sciarrotta and appointing the following members to the REV Board: Laura Coriell and Victoria Westgate.
Acceptance of Minutes
Jim Merriam made a motion to accept the minutes from the REV 2023 Annual Meeting as presented. James Moore seconded, all in favor, motion passed
Motion to Adjourn
Jim Merriam made a motion to adjourn the annual mtg at 2:18. Martha Staskas seconded, all in favor, motion passed.
2025 REV Board Candidates
The slate of directors to be voted on includes two individuals running to be elected to the REV Board. The two new candidates are:
Carrie McLaughlin is the Director of Sales Engineering at NOMAD Power where she develops tailored solutions for mobile storage applications. Carrie has spent the last 20 years in the renewable energy industry as a designer, project developer, and engineering leader across companies such as Northern Power Systems, SunCommon, and PowerFactors. Carrie is a member of the South Burlington Energy Committee and has a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Madeleine Mineau is the COO for Essex Hydro, owner and operator of 14 small hydropower projects in northern New England. She also is a member of the Board of the Granite State Hydropower Association, Maine Renewable Energy Association, Clean Energy NH, a member of the NH Rivers Management Advisory Committee, and a former chair of the NH Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board. Prior to her work at Essex, Madeleine was Executive Director of Clean Energy NH, a nonprofit that works on clean energy policy, education, and advocacy in NH. Madeleine has a PhD in Aquatic Ecology from Idaho State University and a BA in Biology and Environmental Policy from Colby College.
Proposed Bylaw Changes
The REV Board and Staff would like to propose one change to the REV Bylaws. Per REV Bylaws Section 8.1. Amendments:
These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws may be adopted upon approval:
(a) by the Board, by the vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the Directors in office at the time the Bylaws are so altered, amended or repealed and new bylaws are adopted; and
(b) by the Members, by two-thirds of the votes cast or a majority of the voting power, whichever is less; and
(c) in writing by any person or persons whose approval is required by a provision of the Articles of Incorporation authorized by Section 10.30 of the Vermont Nonprofit Corporation Act.
If the Board or the Members seek to have any amendment to the Bylaws approved by the Members at a meeting of the Members, the Corporation shall give notice to its Members of the proposed meeting in writing in accordance with Section 7.05 of the Vermont Nonprofit Corporation Act. The notice must also state that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the proposed amendment and contain or be accompanied by a copy or summary of the amendment or state the general nature of the amendment.
This document shall be considered written notice to the REV Membership regarding the proposal to amend the REV Bylaws. This proposed change is outlined as follows (Strikethough text = proposed deletions):
1. Proposed Change to Number of Directors
Section 3.2. Number of Directors; Composition. The number of Directors shall be established by the Board from time to time and shall be not less than seven (7) and no more than twenty-five (25). As of June 13 2013, the number of Directors established by the Board is fifteen [15]. At least two-thirds of the Board members must be Industry Members of the Corporation or officers or employees of Industry Members of the Corporation.